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MySql and MariaDB communication FB for Siemens PLC S7-1200 and S7-1500

Example Video:

General Informations:

Server user settings: The user that you want to login to sql server needs to set up using “mysql_native_password” as authentication method. You should create a new user for connecting to plc by typing following into your server commandline:

CREATE USER 'your_new_username'@'%';
ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_new_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_databasename.your_tablename TO 'your_new_username'@'%';






Status Codes:

W#16#0000:  No Error
W#16#0002:  TCP connection is not established
W#16#0010:  Bad IP-Address, IP-Address should be in this format: ''
W#16#0011:  Client capability "CONNECT_ATTRS" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0012:  SQL error, for further information see errorPacket.ERROR_MESSAGE
W#16#0013:  Client capability "SESSION_TRACK" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0014:  Client capability "CLIENT_CACHE_METADATA" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0015:  Client capability "CLIENT_EXTENDED_TYPE_INFO" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0016:  Input "server" wrong, 1 = Mysql / 2 = MariaDB
W#16#0017:  The user you want to login to sql Server is set up to 
            authenticate with "caching_sha2_password", 
            change this to "mysql_native_password", or create a new user for connecting to plc by 
            typing following into your server commandline:
            1.    CREATE USER 'your_new_username'@'%';
            2.    ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
            3.    ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_new_password';
            4.    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_databasename.your_tablename TO 'your_new_username'@'%';
            5.    FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
W#16#0020:  Wrong packet type recieved after login request, expectet OK or ERROR
W#16#0021:  Recieved LOCALINFILE packet, but it is not implemented
W#16#0023:  Number of colums in result data is greater than the set value number of columns, 
            adjust the constant "Columns"
W#16#0024:  Number of recieved bytes is greater than the set value number of bytes, 
            adjust the constant "Buffersize"
W#16#0025:  Number of rows in result data is greater than the set value number of rows, 
            adjust the constant "Rows"

Server status:

    IN_TRANS                    00000000 00000001
    AUTO_COMMIT                 00000000 00000010
    MULTI_QUERY(unused)         00000000 00000100
    MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS         00000000 00001000
    BAD_INDEX_USED              00000000 00010000
    NO_INDEX_USED               00000000 00100000
    CURSOR_EXISTS               00000000 01000000
    LAST_ROW_SENT               00000000 10000000
    DB_DROPPED                  00000001 00000000
    NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES        00000010 00000000
    METADATA_CHANGED            00000100 00000000
    QUERY_WAS_SLOW              00001000 00000000
    PS_OUT_PARAMS               00010000 00000000
    IN_TRANS_READONLY           00100000 00000000
    SESSION_STATE_CHANGED       01000000 00000000

Capabilities standard:

    CLIENT_MYSQL                00000000 00000001
    FOUND_ROWS                  00000000 00000010
    LONG_FLAG                   00000000 00000100
    CONNECT_WITH_DB             00000000 00001000
    NO_SCHEMA                   00000000 00010000
    COMPRESS                    00000000 00100000
    ODBC                        00000000 01000000
    LOCAL_FILES                 00000000 10000000
    IGNORE_SPACE                00000001 00000000
    SPEAKS_PROTOCOL_41          00000010 00000000
    CLIENT_INTERACTIVE          00000100 00000000
    SSL                         00001000 00000000
    IGNORE_SIGPIPE              00010000 00000000
    TRANSACTIONS                00100000 00000000
    RESERVED                    01000000 00000000
    AUTH_PROTOCOL_41            10000000 00000000

Capabilities extended:

    MULTI_STATEMENTS            00000000 00000001
    MULTI_RESULTS               00000000 00000010
    PS_MULTI_RESULTS            00000000 00000100
    PLUGIN_AUTH                 00000000 00001000
    CONNECT_ATTRS               00000000 00010000
    PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC          00000000 00100000
    HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS    00000000 01000000
    SESSION_TRACK               00000000 10000000
    DEPRECATE_EOF               00000001 00000000

Capabilities mariaDB:

    CLIENT_PROGRESS                      00000001
    CLIENT_COM_MULTI                     00000010
    CLIENT_STMT_BULK_OPERATIONS          00000100
    CLIENT_EXTENDED_TYPE_INFO            00001000
    CLIENT_CACHE_METADATA                00010000

Field Details Flag:

    NOT_NULL                    00000000 00000001
    PRIMARY_KEY                 00000000 00000010
    UNIQUE_KEY                  00000000 00000100
    MULTIPLE_KEY                00000000 00001000
    BLOB                        00000000 00010000
    UNSIGNED                    00000000 00100000
    ZEROFILL_FLAG               00000000 01000000
    BINARY_COLLATION            00000000 10000000
    ENUM                        00000001 00000000
    AUTO_INCREMENT              00000010 00000000
    TIMESTAMP                   00000100 00000000
    SET                         00001000 00000000
    NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG       00010000 00000000
    ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG          00100000 00000000
    NUM_FLAG                    10000000 00000000

Field Types:

    00: DECIMAL
    01: TINY
    02: SHORT
    03: LONG
    04: FLOAT
    05: DOUBLE
    06: NULL
    08: LONGLONG
    09: INT24
    10: DATE
    11: TIME
    12: DATETIME
    13: YEAR
    14: NEWDATE
    15: VARCHAR
    16: BIT
    17: TIMESTAMP2
    18: DATETIME2
    19: TIME2
    245: JSON
    247: ENUM
    248: SET
    249: TINY_BLOB
    250: MEDIUM_BLOB
    251: LONG_BLOB
    252: BLOB
    253: VAR_STRING
    254: STRING
    255: GEOMETRY


    01: big5        | big5_chinese_ci
    03: dec8        | dec8_swedish_ci
    04: cp850       | cp850_general_ci
    06: hp8         | hp8_english_ci
    07: koi8r       | koi8r_general_ci
    08: latin1      | latin1_swedish_ci
    09: latin2      | latin2_general_ci
    10: swe7        | swe7_swedish_ci
    11: ascii       | ascii_general_ci
    12: ujis        | ujis_japanese_ci
    13: sjis        | sjis_japanese_ci
    16: hebrew      | hebrew_general_ci
    18: tis620      | tis620_thai_ci
    19: euckr       | euckr_korean_ci
    22: koi8u       | koi8u_general_ci
    24: gb2312      | gb2312_chinese_ci
    25: greek       | greek_general_ci
    26: cp1250      | cp1250_general_ci
    28: gbk         | gbk_chinese_ci
    30: latin5      | latin5_turkish_ci
    32: armscii8    | armscii8_general_ci
    33: utf8        | utf8_general_ci
    35: ucs2        | ucs2_general_ci
    36: cp866       | cp866_general_ci
    37: keybcs2     | keybcs2_general_ci
    38: macce       | macce_general_ci
    39: macroman    | macroman_general_ci
    40: cp852       | cp852_general_ci
    41: latin7      | latin7_general_ci
    51: cp1251      | cp1251_general_ci
    54: utf16       | utf16_general_ci
    56: utf16le     | utf16le_general_ci
    57: cp1256      | cp1256_general_ci
    59: cp1257      | cp1257_general_ci
    60: utf32       | utf32_general_ci
    63: binary      | binary
    92: geostd8     | geostd8_general_ci
    95: cp932       | cp932_japanese_ci
    97: eucjpms     | eucjpms_japanese_ci
    248: gb18030    | gb18030_chinese_ci
    255: utf8mb4    | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci